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Galenos Ars medica Athos Bibl. Mon. Ibêrôn 4284. 164* XIII I, p. 061. Taxis tôn pragmateiôn tou G. kata auton en tô elei tou Mikra technê epigegrammenou bibliou View Record
Galenos Methodi medendi libri XIV Athos Bibl. Mon. Ibêrôn 4284. 164 XIII I, p. 091. View Record
Galenos Opera varia Rom Bibl. St. Petri H 45 XIII I, p. 058. "Palimpsest very damaged contains Galen;part of his works". Allen View Record
Paulus Aegineta Epitomae medicae libri septem Neapel Biblioteca Borbonica Neapolit. 306 III D 22 XIII II, p. 077. L. I-III lacunos. View Record
Paulus Aegineta Epitomae medicae libri septem Patmos Monast. St. Joann. Evang. Patmiac. 71 bei Coxe, Mss. gr. of the Levant XIII N., p. 062. "imperf.". View Record